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The Future of Psychiatry by Scott Shannon, MD

A schizophrenic person living in the United States today have significantly lower outcomes compared to those who are lived during the 1930s. More people at today are struggling when it comes to dealing with addiction, mental illness and having a dysfunctional system. Which gives us reason to believe that we need to find a new… Read More

Nutritional Supplements for Child and Adolescent Mental Health by Noshene Ranjbar, MD & Amelia Villagomez, MD

Survey done to youth between the age of 7-17 shows that many people are looking for nutraceuticals. Dr. Amelia Villagomez expresses that during monitoring having an abnormal elevated calcium concentration with a Vitamin D deficiency could be because of hypercalcemic disorder that results in hyperparathyroidism which you would want to address instead of giving additional… Read More