Integrative medicine is a holistic approach that focuses on the whole person, taking into account the body, mind, and lifestyle habits of each patient. By considering all possible factors, this medical practice uses a combination of modern scientific lab tests and personal interviews to understand the root causes of mental and physical diseases. Treatments may include lifestyle choices such as dietary changes, exercise habits, and meditation, functional medicine approaches, conventional medications, and psychotherapeutic approaches.
Integrative medicine is a type of healing-oriented medicine. Healing-oriented medicine embraces a system-approach to uniquely treat each person and collaboratively develop a plan that supports both mental and physical health. By looking at root causes, this approach unlocks new options to help patients achieve a higher quality of life. Whether the initial diagnosis is anxiety, depression, OCD, ADHD, brain fog, or fatigue, by examining root causes, patients are supported to reorient towards health and wellness.
We believe a diagnosis is not a life sentence. It is the beginning of a journey to find a better way to live. In this, your integrative doctor acts as your companion, guide, and support to help orient you towards better health and achieve optimal wellness.
An Integrative Medicine Doctor is a licensed medical professional who is trained to diagnose, treat, and support you in making holistic changes to achieve health and wellness.
Your doctor has the education, perspective, and experience in functional medicine, conventional medicine, lifestyle medicine and psychotherapies to help you attain a state of wellness. They may offer a new perspective in addition to pharmaceutical treatments, such as nutrition, exercise, cognitive behavioral therapy, yoga, mindfulness meditation, specialized labs and other treatments.
Integrative medicine uses a combination of modern healthcare practices to diagnose and treat a patient. Treatments may include such treatments as acupuncture, yoga, or massage. This practice also focuses on the nutritional and exercise habits of the patient. Integrative medicine physicians believe lifestyle choices are the root cause of many modern chronic diseases.
While functional medicine embraces much of the philosophy of integrative medicine, a functional medicine practice will often focus on a detailed analysis of genetic factors, patient history, and biochemistry. Using specialized laboratory testing enables each patient to get personal data, refining treatment decisions with precise accuracy. For example, ordering tests to analyze gut function and gut microbiome function may result in recommendations that impact brain symptoms.
Here at The Integrative Psychiatry Center, you’ll get the best of both worlds. We use functional medicine tests to diagnose, treat, and support our patients to understand underlying root causes. We offer the latest in cutting-edge treatments and traditional holistic approaches to help patients achieve optimal levels of wellness.